Office hours today:

Monday08:00 - 12:0014:00 - 17:00
Tuesday08:00 - 12:0014:00 - 17:00
Wednesday08:00 - 12:00
Thursday08:00 - 12:0014:00 - 17:00
Friday08:00 - 12:00


We are a
Appointment practice!

Please book vaccination appointments and check-ups for existing families online.

Acute presentation and new families
Please book appointments by telephone.

Please call us between 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. and you will be given an appointment for an acute illness on the same day.

For enquiries about medical prescriptions, please send us an e-mail to

Dear patients,
Dear families, we are an ordering practice.

We need your help and your trust so that our practice can be planned in the best possible way for you and for all of us. Below we explain how you can make an appointment with us. Please read everything carefully and at your leisure.

Acute presentation and new families: Telephone call

  • Every patient with an illness (acute or long-standing) and every new family is given an appointment by telephone. However, if you come to our practice in person, you will be given an appointment at the counter.
  • Please call us between 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. and you will be given an appointment for an acute illness on the same day.
  • Please keep to the agreed time as closely as possible; if you are more than 10 minutes late, you will be given a new appointment at the counter or by telephone. However, please do not present yourself a long time before your appointment, otherwise you will unnecessarily burden yourself, your child and our waiting areas.
  • If your child's illness is not life-threatening but unusually serious, you can present yourself at the counter in our practice. A paediatric nurse or, if necessary, a doctor will make an immediate assessment as to whether your child needs to be treated without delay. If we consider the illness to be non-urgent, you will be given an appointment at the counter.
  • If you cannot reach us by telephone, please send us an e-mail with your telephone number in exceptional cases. We will endeavour to reach you within a reasonable period of time.

Why do we want this approach? Until now, you had to spend your waiting time in the waiting room. This was a burden for your child, you and us. Thanks to precise structuring, you will have the same waiting time until the medical consultation, but you will spend it much more comfortably and with a reduced risk of infection for everyone in the familiar and quiet surroundings of your home.

Vaccination dates: Website

  • Please only arrange a vaccination appointment online.
  • To do this, go to our website There you will find the order form where you can view all available vaccination appointments. Select an appointment request and send it via the mask. We will confirm the appointment by email. The appointment is only valid and reserved for your child once it has been confirmed.
  • Please arrange a separate immunisation appointment for each child. Spontaneous presentation of siblings is not possible for organisational reasons.
  • Please only ever book the appointment for the next upcoming immunisation. This is because any illness of your child or other unforeseen circumstances will disrupt his or her immunisation schedule and also affect the possible period of subsequent appointments.
  • For organisational reasons, appointment requests by e-mail, telephone or in person at the counter can unfortunately not be processed.
  • Vaccinations given during a preventive medical check-up do not require a separate vaccination appointment.
  • If your child is ill on the vaccination date or has not been free of fever for 14 days, please cancel the vaccination appointment at least 24 hours in advance by email or telephone. This way, the appointment is available for all other patients. If you are not sure whether your child is healthy enough for the vaccination, please contact us by telephone beforehand.
  • A vaccination appointment is only intended for one vaccination.
  • You can find a timetable for the planned vaccinations and screenings on our website under "Online appointment timetable".

Preventive medical check-ups: Website

  • Please arrange a screening appointment online. Exceptions are appointments for a U2 or U3 examination, which you can request by telephone.
  • Go to our website to find out more There you will find the order form where you can view all available appointments. Select an appointment request and send it via the mask. We will confirm the appointment by email. The appointment is only valid and reserved for your child once it has been confirmed.
  • Please organise a screening appointment in good time. Experience shows that most appointments for screenings from U7 onwards are fully booked approx. 3 months in advance. Appointments from U4 to U6 naturally do not have such a long lead time.
  • Please arrange a separate appointment for each child. Spontaneous co-presentation of siblings is not possible for organisational reasons.
  • Please only ever book the appointment for the next upcoming check-up.
  • For organisational reasons, appointment requests by e-mail, telephone or in person at the counter can unfortunately not be processed.
  • Vaccinations given during a preventive medical check-up do not require a separate vaccination appointment.
  • You can find a timetable for the planned vaccinations and screenings on our website under "Online appointment timetable".

Medical documents: Email

  • We kindly ask you to send enquiries about medical prescriptions by e-mail.
  • This includes: planned certificates of incapacity for work or sickness certificates, prescriptions for long-term medication and aids, referrals, prescriptions for remedies (speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy), transport certificates, planned hospital admissions.
  • We will automatically make these available for you to collect after 24 hours. If we have any questions for you, we will contact you by telephone. Please always provide your full contact details.
  • For planned cures or rehabilitations, we ask you to write in detail who is to be treated and why. Once we have finalised the application, we will contact you.

You can find medical help for your child outside of our consultation hours:

On-call service at Klinikum St. Georg Leipzig
Delitzscher Str. 141, House 16
04129 Leipzig

Telephone: 0341-90 90

Opening hours:
Mon/Thu/Thu: 19-21 h
Wed/Fri: 2pm-2pm Sat/Sun/Public holidays/bridge days: 9am-2pm

Paediatric practice Claudia Fiegert
Riebeckstr. 65
04317 Leipzig

Telephone: 0341-215 85 90

Opening hours:
Wed/Fri 2-7 pm
Sat/Sun/Public holidays 8-13 h

For (serious) acute illnesses outside normal consultation hours, please call 116 117.

Emergency numbers of the city of Leipzig
In acute and life-threatening situations, please also inform the local emergency services immediately! To forward the overview of emergency numbers please click here.

Poison centre
If you suspect poisoning, you can contact the Erfurt Poison Centre, phone 0361 – 730730,, contact.

Pharmacy emergency service
Pharmacies with emergency service (Link Bürgerservice Stadt Leipzig) change daily. The emergency service starts at 8.00 a.m. and ends at 7.59 a.m. the following day. Responsibility for the emergency service changes from 8 a.m. on the following day.